Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas one and all! I hope everyone had a lovely holiday full of family and cheer! I know I certainly did! They day started off rather rough with having to wait for my brother to finish a video game before we could go to my grandmothers for presents. He finally emerged from his hole in the basement and we were off! I feel extremely blessed for the lovely gifts I received and also that everyone was able to be with us and in good health (hangovers aside ofcourse!) I think the highlight of the presents though was watching my brother and cousin open their gifts to find every kind of Duck Dynasty object my grandmother could find! I think my favorite though was when my uncle asked them if they even watched the show, to which both of them replied, "No". I can't say I have ever seen him with a more horrified expression! The day ended with a both beautiful and delicious meal of prime rib and twice baked potatoes prepared by my mom! It was so delicious and so nice to have everyone around at one table. But now, another year is over and the wait for Santa begins yet again! Hopefully, it will be as good as this year, but I have the feeling it will be even better!
What's you're favorite holiday tradition? 

Merry Christmas,
Xoxo Pink Prepster <3

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