Wednesday, December 11, 2013

How to Take a Final Exam

So, it's that time of year. Finals Week. That time of year when every student is camped out in the library, and you're probably study more than you've ever studied before. But, luckily, despite the possible mental breakdowns, Final Exams are really not that bad! As long as you put in the effort, you will do great! 
So, you've studied you're heart out, and you've practically memorized the entire text book! You are ready to take the exam and finally be done! So here are my best tips for what to do once the studying is done and the only thing that stands between you and winter break is the Exam(s). 

1. Get a Good Night Sleep!
I really can't stress this enough. Although there may not seem like enough time in a day and an all-nighter seems like the only solution, it's not. You're brain just doesn't work when you don't get sleep. If you don't believe me, believe science! What happens when you pull an all-nighter

2. Have a Bag Packed. The morning of the exam you're probably freaking out. I know I do! I find myself asking a million times, "What am I forgetting?". So pack a bag the night before! That way you're not worried about being late and you have one less thing to worry about, and let's be honest, you have enough to worry about!

So here it is. I keep everything in my Lonchamp bag because it is always the perfect size. I also bring a water bottle for during the Exam. Obviously, I also have my Vera Bradley pencil case which holds all of my pencils and pens. I also keep a large eraser in there too, for when I have to erase a large chunk of words and the pencil eraser just doesn't cut it. I also bring my Finals Binder, for more on that click here. That little green ball is my Eos Lip Balm, I bring it with me everywhere. The dry winter air really can dry out your skin and lips and no one wants chapped lips! Now the real question I'm sure you're all asking is what are those little yellow and pink things between the pencil case and binder. Well that brings me to my next point....

3. Wear Earplugs!! This is my proudest trick for taking a final. I had never thought of it until this year, and I'm very upset I haven't done it before! My biggest pet peeve is when people sniffle during tests. I understand that it's cold out and that people are sick, but I can't help it! And, when you're in a large lecture hall with 50+ people, it is even worse! Between coughing, sniffling, and people fidgeting in their seats, the test room is hardly silent. All the noise can get very distracting, but that's the beauty of earplugs! I got these earplugs in a whole box at Christmas Tree Shop for very cheap! They block noise up to 32 decibels, so all that noise is GONE! It's like you're in your own little world to focus on nothing but that information you studied. I always make sure to check with the professor when I walk into the Exam because I don't want them to think they are headphones or anything else that might look like cheating. You would be surprised at what they have seen people do to cheat. But, I've never had a problem with a professor being ok with it.

So try these out! I hope they help! If you have any tips for when you enter the exam room, comment below; I'd love to hear about them!

Pink Prepster <3

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